Creamy Broccoli Soup
Recipe type: Soup
Prep time: 
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Serves: 8 cups
This is so creamy and delicious. A comforting recipe for the entire family!
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 head of broccoli
  • 1 very large or 2 medium yellow onions
  • 2 large stalks of celery
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • 2-3 cups veggie broth, bone broth, or chicken broth*
  • ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
  • ¼ cup nutritional yeast (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons organic ghee or butter (optional)
  1. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large soup pot.
  2. Roughly chop onions and add them to the pot. Let cook 1-2 minutes while you roughly chop the rest of your veggies.
  3. Add the remaining veggies to the pot along with the coconut milk, broth and salt.
  4. Bring to a simmer, cover, and let cook for 30-40 minutes, or until the veggies are soft enough to be blended.
  5. Turn off the heat. Add the nutritional yeast and Ghee if using.
  6. Transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender to carefully blend the soup.
  7. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  8. * Use 2 cups for more of a baby food consistency. Start with 2 cups and add more after blending if you want it thinner.
Recipe by Insightful Bite at